Work With Us

Get Involved with Longhorn SHARE
The Longhorn SHARE Project recruits a new group of students to become SHARE Support Specialists each Fall. Those selected must be able to participate for three consecutive semesters, beginning with the 3-credit course HED 370K: Foundations of Peer Support and Social Wellness in their first semester prior to facilitating peer support activities the following Fall and Spring. The program also hires a graduate assistant/intern annually to assist with administrative activities, communication and outreach, and support initiatives targeted toward graduate students. Email us at if you’re interested in learning more.
Apply to be a SHARE Support Specialist! The Spring 2025 cohort application is currently open to all students graduating in Spring 2026 or later, and will close at 11:59pm on October 31st, 2024. More details are included in the application form.
We’re Listening!
Do you have questions or ideas to share with the Longhorn SHARE Project? Want to be added to our email list for updates about peer support opportunities or Fall cohort recruitment? Interested in supporting our work or collaborating on an event? Email us at and we’ll follow up soon!