UT University Health Services

Types of Peer Support

The Longhorn SHARE Project offers a wide range of peer-led support groups, individual peer support opportunities, and other activities facilitated by trained SHARE Support Specialists and program staff.

Unless otherwise indicated, opportunities are open to all UT Austin undergraduate and graduate students.

Five Ways to Connect with SHARE Peer Support

Weekly SHARE Communities

SHARE Communities are informal, non-clinical peer support groups where students with similar experiences can connect authentically, learn from each other, exchange support, and practice wellness strategies. Community topics are all chosen by the peer co-facilitators based on their own interests, identities, or mental health concerns.

Unlike support groups led by mental health professionals, peer facilitators of SHARE Communities are equal participants who open up to the group about their own struggles and grow alongside them. Their role involves creating a supportive space, modeling healthy interpersonal skills, and providing structure and resources as needed. Depending on the topic, SHARE Communities may be more discussion-oriented, goal- or activity-oriented, or a mixture of the above.

View Communities

Individual SHARE Chats

Meet with a SHARE Support Specialist in a variety of convenient locations around campus to get free private support!

While SHARE Support Specialists are not counselors or therapists, they can still help you by using their peer support skills and sharing relevant tools and resources. You can expect SHARE peers to:

  • listen nonjudgmentally to help you process your thoughts and feelings
  • help you combat self-stigma around mental health and help-seeking
  • provide validation as someone who has experienced similar situations
  • share information about campus resources from the student perspective
  • assist with decision-making by asking open-ended questions and sharing unbiased observations
  • make suggestions or share strategies they have found useful in similar situations, if asked

See Current Availability

Request SHARE Circles

SHARE Circles are a storytelling and processing tool rooted in indigenous and First Nations practices. Circles are great for building community, empathy, and understanding among groups, and the turn-taking structure ensures that everyone’s voices are heard.

If your class or organization could benefit from dedicated time to connect on a human level, hear each other’s needs and perspectives, or process a difficult experience, contact us! SHARE Support Specialists can facilitate Circles for any size group around a theme or topic relevant to your needs.

These circles can be facilitated in person or virtually depending on your group's need and facilitator availability. Please note that most circles need two weeks' notice to schedule.

Request a SHARE Circle

Other Services

Standby Peer Support
SHARE Support Specialists can be requested to attend campus events around difficult or sensitive topics. While not therapists, SHARE peers can be available before, during, or after the events to hold space for peers who become overwhelmed or need to process their emotions in a safe environment, and can connect students to mental health resources if needed.

While we will do our best to accommodate all requests, availability for this service will depend on the SHARE Support Specialists’ schedules and cannot be guaranteed.

Request Standby Support

Workshop, Training, and Presentation Requests
The Longhorn SHARE Project can facilitate workshops for faculty, staff and students on authentic social connection, supportive community-building, active listening, and more. Content can be tailored to the needs of your audience.

Email Project Coordinator Adrian Lancaster with requests or ideas: longhornshareproject@utexas.edu.


100 West Dean Keeton
Student Services Building (SSB)


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university of texas at austin university health services
university of texas at austin division of student affairs